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Agriculture in the Classroom Newfoundland and Labrador’s has an assortment of agriculture themed storybooks written and produced locally. Each book covers a specific topic ranging from locally grown vegetables to the importance of bees to our food supply. Enjoy.

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What’s Growing Around Us?

This storybook follows
Abby as she visits different farms to learn where her food comes from for a school project.


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Alex’s First Seed

This storybook is about
Alex the worm who takes students on a tour of soil and how he grows his
first seed. 

Discussion Questions

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Blossom's Big Job

This storybook is about
a busy honey bee on a mission to pollinate her flowers until they mature into fruit. 

NEW!: Watch Book

NEW!: Listen Book (FR)

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Reggie’s Technology Adventure

This story follows Reggie
as he explores the different types of technology used
in the agriculture industry for a school project.

NEW!: Listen Book

NEW!: Watch Book

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Plant, Grow, Eat, Share

This story follows Abby and Fabian as they experience their indoor classroom garden and grow a friendship in the process. 

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Plant, Grow, Eat, Share

This story follows Abby and Fabian as they experience their indoor classroom garden and grow a friendship in the process. 

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Contact Us

NL Federation of Agriculture
1147 Topsail Road, Suite #4
Mount Pearl, NL
A1N 5G2


P:(709) 747-4874
F:(709) 747-8827

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The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership provides funding for Agriculture in the Classroom NL to promote agriculture activities to youth in Newfoundland and Labrador

Proud member of:

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