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Literacy Month

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month

Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) organizations from across Canada worked collectively with other organizations on an initiative to declare March the Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM). This program will encourage Elementary students to learn about and celebrate agriculture through various activities such as reading books about farming, watching videos, and meeting with agricultural representatives.

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month is one of many of the outreach programs supported by AITC-Canada

CALM is a hands-on program that encourages children to learn about and celebrate agriculture in various ways, including reading books about agriculture and watching virtual farm tours and agriculture videos. The theme for CALM is “Our Food, Our Story.” Agriculture in the Classroom Newfoundland and Labrador will deliver this program in Kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms across Newfoundland and Labrador in a month-long virtual and in-person event. AITC-NL will be sharing the stories of farmers and agriculture professionals with online presentations, virtual farm tours and other resources. An important element of this event is the connection between students, local farmers and agriculture industry representatives and AITC-NL strives to continue to make that connection.

Presentations for Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month will be in-person and virtual depending on the locations and availability of volunteers. For more information, please contact: 


AITC-NL is partnering with the Newfoundland and Labrador Beekeeping Association (NLBKA) to host the “Bee Creative Literacy Contest” for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students. Classes can submit up to three of their top literary works that combine the students’ literacy talent with their knowledge of agriculture in Newfoundland and Labrador. The winning classes get to decorate the beehive any way they choose. The beehive will be returned to the participating beekeeper’s farm to be taken care of in the name of the school/class. 

All contest entries can be submitted by tagging @AITCNL and @NLBees1 via social media using #CALM25 or emailing to: All entries must be submitted by April 4, 2025. The contest runs March 1-31, 2025, with winners announced Monday, April 7, 2025.

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Contact Us

NL Federation of Agriculture
1147 Topsail Road, Suite #4
Mount Pearl, NL
A1N 5G2


P:(709) 747-4874
F:(709) 747-8827

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The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership provides funding for Agriculture in the Classroom NL to promote agriculture activities to youth in Newfoundland and Labrador

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