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Mentorship Program

The Mentorship Program is unique to Newfoundland and Labrador (NL). Little Green Thumbs (LGT) and Sprouts (LGS) gardens are located all across NL and due to the geographical issues, coordinators cannot be there in person to assist teachers when needed. Mentors provide in-class support and encouragement to LGT and LGS teachers and students when needed in their area. Farmers, agriculture representatives and professionals share their agricultural knowledge and passion with teachers and students. 


Mentors are in the classrooms providing the hands-on experiences which is beneficial and exciting to the students.  The mentors’ expertise, dedication and passion are tremendous assets to the Little Green Thumbs program and gardens. With the support of the LGT’s mentors we can continue to expand the Little Green Thumbs/Sprouts program, support teachers, and benefit all students in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Mentors’ Benefits to students and teachers

  • Provides ongoing support and encouragement;

  • Teaches long term life skills;

  • Creates awareness of where their food come from;

  • Increases awareness of agriculture in NL;

  • Develops an appreciation for our local farmers; and

  • Increases knowledge of farmers’ efforts to bring fresh and healthy food to our tables.


If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor for a Little Green Thumbs garden near you please contact Maureen Foley at for more information.

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Contact Us

NL Federation of Agriculture
1147 Topsail Road, Suite #4
Mount Pearl, NL
A1N 5G2


P:(709) 747-4874
F:(709) 747-8827

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The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership provides funding for Agriculture in the Classroom NL to promote agriculture activities to youth in Newfoundland and Labrador

Proud member of:

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