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Climate Change 

Scroll down and read the facts, watch the videos, play the games and do the puzzle. Have fun while you learn about what is being done to slow down Climate Change.

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The long-term shifts in temperature, precipitation and wind patterns caused by human activities through greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases act like a blanket around the earth, trapping heat and raising temperatures.

Interesting Videos about Climate Change

How can climate change affect farmers in NL?
Scroll/click each headline for more info.

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Droughts and precipitation deficits, crop & livestock stress, pest & disease.

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Flooded soil due to increased precipitation could negatively impact agriculture

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Wetter spring may delay planting or seeding due to waterlogged fields.

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Milder winter temperatures could have implications for pests & diseases.

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Intrusion of salt water is a concern and could compromise soil and surface water quality.

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“Over 70% of farmers in Canada have an environmental plan.”

What can farmers do to adapt and mitigate climate change?

Farmers are used to planning for uncertainty, but climate change is bringing new extremes, seasonal shifts, and increased variability that are likely to push the boundaries of our climate beyond anything they are used to managing.

Here are six ways farmers can protect their farms against climate change.

  • Avalon Region
    East Point Elementary, St. John’s Mary Queen of Peace School, St. John’s Vanier Elementary, St. John’s St. John Bosco School, St. John’s Beachy Cove Elementary, St. John’s St. Augustine's Elementary, Bell Island Holy Trinity Elementary, Torbay Roncalli Elementary, St. John’s Ecole Des Grands-Vents, St. John’s MacDonald Drive Elementary, St. John’s St. Andrew's Elementary, St. John’s Larkhall Academy, St. John’s St. Teresa's School, St. John’s St. Matthew's School, St. John’s Cowan Heights Elementary, St. John’s Hazelwood Elementary, St. John’s St. Mary's Elementary, St. John’s Mary Queen of the World School, St. John’s Goulds Elementary, Goulds Mobile Central High School, Witless Bay St. Catherine's Academy, St. Catherine's Morris Academy, Mount Pearl St. Peter's Primary- Mount Pearl, Mount Pearl Octagon Pond Elementary, Paradise Paradise Elementary, Paradise Elizabeth Park Elementary, Paradise Holy Family School, Paradise St. Edward's School, Conception Bay South Holy Redeemer Elementary, Spaniard’s Bay Coley's Point Primary, Bay Robert St. Francis School, Harbour Grace Persalvic Elementary, Victoria Woodland Elementary, Dildo Acreman Elementary, Green’s Harbour St. Anne's Academy, Dunville Whitbourne Elementary, Whitbourne
  • Central Region
    Riverside Elementary, Clarenville Random Island Academy, Hickman’s Harbour Anthony Paddon Elementary, Musgravetown St. Mark's School, King’s Cove Catalina Elementary, Catalina Glovertown Academy, Glovertown Holy Cross School, Eastport Smallwood Academy, Gambo William Mercer Academy, Dover Fogo Island Central Academy, Fogo Island Gander Academy, Gander Memorial Academy, Botwood Lakewood Academy, Glenwood Woodland Primary, Grand Falls- Windsor Greenwood Academy, Campbellton Lewisporte Academy, Lewisporte Point Leamington Academy, Point Leamington Helen Tulk Elementary, Bishops Falls Forest Park Primary, Grand Falls-Windsor Avoca Collegiate, Badger Lakeside Academy, Buchans
  • Western Region
    French Shore Academy, Port Saunders Brian Peckford Primary, Triton Copper Ridge Academy, Baie Verte St. Peter's Academy, Westport Hampden Academy, Hampden Valmont Academy, King’s Point Main River Academy, Pollard’s Point Mary Simms All Grade School, Main Brook White Hills Academy, St. Anthony James Cook Memorial School, Cook’s Harbour Truman Eddison Elementary, Griguet Elwood Elementary, Deer Lake Long Range Academy, Cow Head Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Corner Brook Eastside Elementary, Corner Brook J.J. Curling Elementary, Corner Brook C.C. Loughlin Elementary, Corner Brook Sacred Heart Elementary, Corner Brook Templeton Academy, Meadows Pasadena Elementary, Pasadena Stephenville Primary, Stephenville E.A. Butler All Grade School, McKay’s Our Lady of the Cape School, Cape St. George St. Thomas Aquinas School, Port au Port St. James Elementary, Port aux Basques
  • Labrador Region
    Jens Haven Memorial School, Nain Peacock Primary, Happy Valley – Goose Bay Ecole Boreale, Happy Valley- Goose Bay JR Smallwood Middle School, Walbush Eric G. Lambert School, Churchill Falls AP Low Primary, Labrador City

Climate Change by the Numbers
Scroll over bullets (left) and sector names (right) for exact percentages.

Historic Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Newfoundland & Labrador 1990 - 2014

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Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector - 2015

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Test your Climate Change knowledge

Have fun with our Climate Change puzzle!
Click on menu dropdown to the left and modify the puzzle to the number of pieces you would like to do.

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Contact Us

NL Federation of Agriculture
1147 Topsail Road, Suite #4
Mount Pearl, NL
A1N 5G2


P:(709) 747-4874
F:(709) 747-8827

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The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership provides funding for Agriculture in the Classroom NL to promote agriculture activities to youth in Newfoundland and Labrador

Proud member of:

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