Agriculture in the Classroom NL (AITC-NL), is a not for profit, Registered Canadian charity and is part of the national organization Agriculture in the Classroom Canada. AITC-NL is hosted by the NL Federation of Agriculture. AITC-NL is designed to work in partnership with Newfoundland and Labrador educators and agriculture professionals.
AITC-NL is intended to connect youth with agriculture and help Newfoundland and Labrador children increase their awareness of where our food comes from, how it is grown, the environmental impacts and understanding of why our food system is essential in society.
Our vision is to connect youth to agriculture through education.
Mission Statement:
Agriculture in the Classroom NL promotes agriculture awareness to educators and youth, delivering the message that agriculture is an important contributor to our economy and the sustainability of our communities.
Grow and Explore

Little Green Thumbs
An opportunity for students
& teachers to become food producers in the classrooms.

Agriculture In The Classroom Newfoundland and Labrador is a registered charity (#819491788RR0001). AITC-NL programs and events are constantly growing and expanding to reach more schools, classes, and students.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of our programs and events, you can donate here:
AITC-NL uses CanadaHelps to make donating safe and easy.
For further information; please contact:
Maureen Foley
Little Green Thumbs Coordinator
Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture
1147 Topsail Road, Suite #4
Mount Pearl, NL
A1N 5G2
Phone: (709) 747-5707
Fax: (709) 747-8827
Email: maureen@nlfa.ca